Parent Resources

A significant aspect of any Early Childhood Program is to provide a foundation for personal and social development. Using scriptural truths and Biblical principles, teachers at Little Knights Learning Center will gently and lovingly guide students to grow in sharing, serving, showing kindness, and conflict resolution. We emphasize to students that while God exhorts us to reflect His goodness by our good conduct and behavior, He loves us and accepts us because we belong to Him, not because of our good Behavior.
Our Center-Wide Rules and Expectations Are:
- Be Safe
- Be Kind
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful
Please see the parent handbook for more information regarding our disciplinary policy and classroom management expectations. You can download the parent handbook by clicking here.
Child Medical Examination Report
All children enrolled in Little Knights Learning Center must have a medical examination report (well-child check up) on file, signed by a licensed physician or a registered nurse within 30 days of admission.
As per Missouri licensing regulations: No child shall be permitted to enroll in or attend any day care facility caring for ten or more children unless the child has been immunized adequately against vaccine preventable childhood illnesses specified by the department in accordance with recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee. The parent or guardian of the child shall provide satisfactory evidence of the required immunizations. Satisfactory evidence means a statement, certificate or record from a physician or other recognized health facility or personnel, stating that the required immunizations have been given to the child and verifying the type of vaccine and the month, day and year of administration.
When a child becomes ill while attending Little Knights Learning Center, the child will be removed from the classroom and the parent/guardian will be notified and arrangements will be made for the child to be picked up. An ill child should be picked up within thirty minutes of the phone call to the parent/guardian. The child will be kept isolated from the other children while awaiting the parent/guardian’s arrival.
Children will be sent home under the following circumstances:
- A temperature of 100.4 degrees or more
- Two or more loose bowel movements
- Vomiting (on two or more occasions)
- Symptoms of Pink Eye
- Head lice
- Severe coughing to where the child gets red or blue in the face or makes high-pitched croup or whooping sounds after coughing.
- Yellowish skin or eyes
- Unusual spots or rashes
- Sore throat or trouble swallowing
- An infected skin patch(es)
- Headache or stiff neck
*Children who have been ill may return to school under the following conditions:
- Fever free for 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medication.
- Diarrhea or vomiting has not been present for 24 hours.
- Child has been on an antibiotic for 24 hours.
- Child has no eggs (nits) present in the hair or on the scalp. A staff member must examine the child for nits before they are allowed to return to school.
- Children returning to school too soon can infect the children in their class as well as their teacher, so it is imperative that parents abide by the “24 hour free” policy.
Communicable Diseases
Children that have been diagnosed with a communicable disease will not be permitted to return to school without written permission from the child’s doctor. Parents will be notified of any communicable disease that has been reported in the center and/or school. If you become aware of a communicable disease involving your family, please inform the center director or school office.